My Journey

My love for yoga started with a personal practice at the age of 18.  Accompanying me through a busy, fun and full life, working in a fast paced fashion industry and traveling frequently.  I loved how yoga would soothe and ground me while feeling energised and liberated at the same time, yoga always just made me feel good from the inside out.  I enjoyed keeping healthy and would run and go to the gym throughout my 20's but yoga was always a constant. 

At the age of 34, I was blessed with the honour of becoming a mother and life had plenty more surprises in store.  At 36, many life changes occured at once, single motherhood, moving homes with my daughter, returning to full time work and frequent travel, I was on a personal healing journey and my body showing symptoms from emotional pain that no medical doctors, nor specialists were able to successfully treat.  After several months of illness, I fatefully came to a yoga therapist who, with mantra and ayurvedic medicine, was able to cure me within a week! 

I was astonished and needed to know more about yoga and how it cured me!  I continued with yoga therapy and it became clear that I needed to leave my 14 year career to enjoy more quality time with my precious daughter.  One evening while practising yoga at home and in meditation I questioned what I was going to do with my life if I left my career.  While in meditation I dreamed "Oh, what if I could have a life full of yoga everyday" and then it dawned on me.  I could!  So, at 36 I decided to leave the only career I'd known and become a student of yoga.  Wow!  The philosophy was rich and deep and had a personal connection with the lineage of my buddhist grandpa. 

My love for yoga grew, my practice deepened and a yogic lifestyle was experientially healing and transformative.  After completing my 200hr YTT in 2017, I started teaching the very next day and have since organically grown in many learnings and teaching.  Now sharing this beautiful gift of yoga throughout New Zealand and Indonesia.  It is with utmost respect and honour to the lineage, teachers, sages and saints who have passed on this ancient wisdom and my humbled privilege to share these offerings with you all.