With my love of yoga spanning over 2 decades, and being of service teaching for 7 years, it is my joy to share the gift of yoga with you.  Holding space and guiding you along your own path in yoga to cultivate a deep connection and liberation within.  

Come on your yoga journey with me!

Ha - meaning the Sun and Tha the Moon, Hatha also meaning force is a practice bringing together the energies of the Sun and the Moon, or Ida, which is Shakti, or Yin, (feminine) energy and Pingala which is Shiva, or Yang, (masculine) energy. 

We can use the tradition of Hatha Yoga to explore the more subtle aspects of our being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, using yogic tools of asana, (postures), pranayama, (breathing techniques), mantra, (chanting), mudra, (invocation), shatkarma (cleansing practices) and meditation to experience Yoga or a union with self. 

And with the balancing of Ida and Pingala, awakening Sushumna energy.  Sushumna meaning joyful mind or another translation "the space at the center of a wheel" implying tranquility once energies are balanced we can become well-centred, happy and joyful.


Tuesdays, 9.30AM, 1 hour

Thursdays, 12.15PM, 45 minutes

Thursdays, 6PM, 1 hour


Sessions are held at Kenkō Studios.

The Move Studio (upstairs), 40 Saint Benedicts Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland.


Bookings are through the Kenkō Studios website. Click through to the timetable and pay via the website. You will receive a confirmation email after payment.


Once booking has been made, all payments are final and class cancellations are non-refundable. Thank you.